Option Explicit _____________________________________________________________________________________ Function UniqueImageNames(ByVal Path As String, Optional ByVal Filter As String, Optional Ext As Variant, Optional KeepTNflag As Boolean, Optional StripToBare As Boolean, Optional LooseFlag As Boolean) As Collection ' returns collection. use Collection2Array function if Array wanted ' default is exact match. flag allows simply to be successful string search ' StripToBare overrides Filter Dim bool As Boolean, NumInFilter As Boolean Dim LenExt As Integer Dim fn As String Dim FileList As New Collection Dim f, fls As Variant If IsMissing(Ext) Then Ext = ".jpg" If Left(Ext, 1) <> "." Then Ext = "." & Ext End If LenExt = Len(Ext) ' is ending number in the filter? -> this is n.g. when there is a dash in the file name NumInFilter = InStr("0123456789", Right(Filter, 1)) <> 0 And Left(Right(Filter, 2), 1) = "-" NumInFilter = NumInFilter Or InStr("0123456789", Right(Filter, 1)) <> 0 And InStr("0123456789", Left(Right(Filter, 2), 1)) <> 0 And Left(Right(Filter, 3), 1) = "-" Set fls = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(Path).Files For Each f In fls If Right(f, LenExt) = Ext Then ' remove file extension (.jpeg extension is not allowed) f = DropStr(f, -LenExt) ' blank out master images If Right(f, 2) = "-f" Then f = DropStr(f, -2) ElseIf Right(f, 3) = "-ff" Then f = DropStr(f, -3) End If ' check for filter If 0 <> Len(Filter) Or StripToBare Then fn = ExtractFilename(f) ' strip off number, but not if number is in the filter If StripToBare Or Not NumInFilter Then If InStr("0123456789", Right(fn, 1)) <> 0 And Left(Right(fn, 2), 1) = "-" Then fn = DropStr(fn, -2) ElseIf InStr("0123456789", Right(fn, 1)) <> 0 And InStr("0123456789", Left(Right(fn, 2), 1)) <> 0 And Left(Right(fn, 3), 1) = "-" Then fn = DropStr(fn, -3) End If End If ' then test If StripToBare Then If Right(fn, 3) = "-tn" Then fn = DropStr(fn, -3) End If On Error Resume Next FileList.Add fn, fn On Error GoTo 0 GoTo NextLoop End If ' we have a tight and a loose way of selecting If LooseFlag Then bool = InStr(fn, Filter) = 0 Else bool = Filter <> fn End If If bool Then GoTo NextLoop End If End If ' remove thumbnails If KeepTNflag Then If Right(f, 3) = "-tn" Then On Error Resume Next FileList.Add f, f On Error GoTo 0 End If ElseIf Right(f, 3) <> "-tn" Then On Error Resume Next FileList.Add f, f On Error GoTo 0 End If End If NextLoop: Next f ' return collection Set UniqueImageNames = FileList End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Function ReturnImageLink(ByVal Path As String, ByVal EntryType As String, Optional ByVal Filter As String, Optional ByVal Prefix As String) As String ' arg: 1-Path, 2-EntryType, 3-Filter, 4-Prefix ' Entryes supported: ' 0 - nothing. Default. ' 1 - surround with
' 9 - add
to end Dim AltString As String, File As String, H As String Dim SizeFS As Variant ' create filename File = Path & "\" & Filter ' clean up name to use as alt string AltString = Replace(Filter, "-", " ") ' check for full-size image existence If FileExists(File & "-f.jpg") Then SizeFS = GetImageSize(File & "-f.jpg") ' build image string H = "" Else H = "" End If ' return If EntryType = 1 Then H = "
" & H & "
" ElseIf EntryType = 9 Then H = H & vbCrLf & "
" End If ReturnImageLink = H & vbCrLf End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Function CreateImageLinks(ByVal Path As String, ByVal EntryType As String, Optional ByVal Filter As String, Optional ByVal Prefix As String, Optional WidePicFlag As Boolean, Optional Ext As Variant, Optional ByVal KeepTNflag As Boolean, Optional LooseFlag As Boolean) As String ' EntryType: ' 0 - interlace with

's. Default. ' 1 - surround with

' 2 - same as 1, but has leading
with expectation title will be added to each cell ' 3 - surround with xx ' 4 - surround with xx ' 5 - surround with xx ' 6 - surround with xx ' 7 - surround with xx ' 8 - surround with


' 9 - interlace with
's ' 10 - javascript slide show (all found will be in slide show) -> all must be same size ' 11 - cell container for thumbnails Dim FileList As Collection Dim i As Integer Dim H As String, k As Integer, StrRes As String, W As String Dim File, Size As Variant If IsMissing(Ext) Then Ext = ".jpg" StartAgain: Set FileList = UniqueImageNames(Path, Filter, Ext, KeepTNflag, , LooseFlag) If FileList.Count = 0 And Ext = ".jpg" Then Ext = ".webp" GoTo StartAgain End If ' maybe they put in a bad path? If FileList.Count = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = False If 0 <> Len(Filter) Then W = ", or filter is too tight for " & Filter Else W = "" End If MsgBox "No " & Ext & " files found to process" & W & ". Check path. Aborting.", vbCritical, "No Files!" CreateImageLinks = "" End End If If EntryType = 10 Then Size = GetImageSize(FileList(1) & Ext) ' this can be replaced by WorksheetFunction.SpellNumber() in newer version ' StrConv(strText, vbProperCase) StrRes = "
" & FileList.Count & " Page Article
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf i = 1 TryAgain: k = InputBox("Suffix for Slide Show (1 or 2):", "Suffix Needed", "1") If k <> 1 And k <> 2 Then MsgBox "Can only enter a 1 or 2.", vbCritical, "Try Again" GoTo TryAgain End If Else StrRes = "" End If For Each File In FileList H = ImageString(File, Prefix, Ext, WidePicFlag) ' add container around it If EntryType = 0 Then StrRes = StrRes & H & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 1 Then StrRes = StrRes & "
" & H & "
" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 2 Then StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "
" & H & "
" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 3 Then StrRes = StrRes = "" & H & "" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 4 Then StrRes = StrRes & "" & H & "" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 6 Then StrRes = StrRes & "" & H & "" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 5 Then StrRes = StrRes & "" & H & "" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 7 Then StrRes = StrRes & "" & H & "" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 8 Then StrRes = StrRes & "

" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & H & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "

" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 9 Then StrRes = StrRes & H & vbCrLf & "
" & vbCrLf ElseIf EntryType = 10 Then StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "
" & i & " / " & FileList.Count & "
" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & H & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf i = i + 1 ElseIf EntryType = 11 Then W = ExtractFilename(File) StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "" & StrConv(Replace(Replace(W, "-", " "), "+", " and "), vbProperCase) & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "
" & vbCrLf End If If EntryType = 0 Then StrRes = StrRes & "

" End If StrRes = StrRes & vbCrLf Next File If EntryType = 10 Then StrRes = StrRes & "" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "" & vbCrLf StrRes = StrRes & "

" & vbCrLf Else ' remove any stray at the end If Right(StrRes, 5) = "

" & vbCrLf Then StrRes = DropStr(StrRes, -5) End If End If CreateImageLinks = StrRes End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Function ImageString(File As Variant, Prefix As String, ByVal Ext As String, WidePicFlag As Boolean) As String Dim AltString As String, W As String Dim Size, SizeFS As Variant ' clean up name to use as alt string AltString = ExtractFilename(File) If 0 <> InStr(AltString, "_") Then AltString = Left(AltString, InStr(AltString, "_") - 1) End If AltString = Replace(AltString, "-", " ") ' sometimes add class to not have max-width to be 100% W = "" If WidePicFlag Then ' we normally allow processing without the web-size image needing to be present, but not for this If FileExists(File & Ext) Then Size = GetImageSize(File & Ext) If 1200 < Size(0) Then W = " class=""widepic""" End If Else MsgBox "When running with WidePic option you need the web-size image to also be present.", vbCritical, "Missing File" End End If End If ' check for full-size image existence If FileExists(File & "-f" & Ext) Then SizeFS = GetImageSize(File & "-f" & Ext) ' build image string ImageString = "" Else ImageString = "" End If End Function _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub DisplayImageLinks() ' is button on ImageUtils sheet 'EntryType: ' 0 - interlace with

's. Default. ' 1 - surround with

' 2 - same as 1, but has leading
with expectation title will be added to each cell ' 3 - surround with xx ' 4 - surround with xx ' 5 - surround with xx ' 6 - surround with xx ' 7 - surround with xx ' 8 - surround with


' 9 - interlace with
's ' 10 - javascript slide show (all found will be in slide show) -> all must be same size ' 11 - cell container for thumbnail Dim KeepTNflag As Boolean, WidePicFlag As Boolean Dim i As Integer, k As Integer Dim EntryType As String, Ext As String, Filter As String, Path As String, Prefix As String, S As String, StrRes As String Path = GetImagePath Prefix = Range("CreateLinksPrefix").Value Filter = Range("CreateLinksFilter").Value EntryType = Range("CreateLinksType").Value If Len(EntryType) = 0 Then EntryType = 0 Ext = Range("CreateLinksFile").Value If Len(Ext) = 0 Then Ext = ".jpg" i = Range("CreateLinksUL").Row KeepTNflag = False WidePicFlag = Range("CreateLinksWide").Value ClearImageLinks RestoreInputCells "CreateLinksFilter" Application.StatusBar = "Getting filenames..." StrRes = CreateImageLinks(Path, EntryType, Filter, Prefix, WidePicFlag, Ext, KeepTNflag, True) ' ~~ print to sheet If Len(StrRes) > 0 Then With Sheets("ImageUtils") Do S = Left(StrRes, InStr(StrRes, vbCrLf) - 1) .Cells(i, 1).Value = S i = i + 1 StrRes = DropStr(StrRes, Len(S) + 2) Loop While Len(StrRes) > 0 End With End If Application.StatusBar = False End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub RemoveLinkBlankRowsImg() ' is button on ImageUtils sheet RemoveLinkBlankRows "CreateLinksUL", 1 End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub PutImageLinksIntoClipboard() ' is button on ImageUtils sheet Dim EndRow As Integer, StartRow As Integer Dim Col As String With Sheets("ImageUtils") StartRow = .Range("CreateLinksUL").Row If Range("CreateLinksUL").Value = "Width" Then Col = "D" StartRow = StartRow + 1 Else Col = "A" End If EndRow = .Range(Col & "65536").End(xlUp).Row If EndRow >= StartRow Then .Range(Col & StartRow & ":" & Col & EndRow).Copy End If End With End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sub ClearImageLinks() ' is button on ImageUtils sheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False If ActiveCell.Row > Range("CreateLinksUL").Row Then Range("CreateLinksUL").Select End If Sheets("ImageUtils").Range("A" & Range("CreateLinksUL").Row & ":E65536").Clear End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub ClearMore() ' is button on ImageUtils sheet ClearImageLinks Range("ImgUtilPath2").Clear RestoreInputCells "ImgUtilPath2" Range("ListFilter").Clear RestoreInputCells "ListFilter" Range("Filter").Clear RestoreInputCells "Filter" Range("CreateLinksFilter").Clear RestoreInputCells "CreateLinksFilter" End Sub _____________________________________________________________________________________