The Coulter Family of Catawba County, North Carolina
Martin Coulter (ca. 1728-1808) was born in the Palatinate. He came to Philadelphia in 1749 and married Catherine Rosanna Boone (ca. 1733- 1813). They came to North Carolina in 1750. Descendants lived in North Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, Mississippi, and elsewhere.
Published 1975. Not copyright. 99 pages. 22 × 28 cm.
The book appears in WorldCat.
Available as PDF file (30 MB). Text recognition has been run. If you print the entire PDF, click on the cover image at the right to get a full-size one to color print for the cover. Single pages can be printed from the PDF, or click on a page image to get a 300 d.p.i. jpeg image.
The book is also online at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. The copy there has these handwritten corrections:
p.45: Alonzo → Alfonso
p.46: April 22 → April 23
p.46: June 26, 1886 → June 26, 1896
Each page here is available in jpegs in two sizes:
- Web-sized image: 691×900 pixels. You can scroll from one web-sized image to the next.
- Full-size 300 DPI image: 2479×3216 pixels. Click the web-size image to get to it.
You can find a tree of descendants of Martin Coulter at the Coulter Family Genealogy site [now].