Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996
From: Ron Hoggan
Subject: Re: Benign Positional Vertigo
Hi Don, Yes, the calcium sounds exactly like the kind of calcium deposits that abound in celiac disease, especially in the brain.
You seem to have the most comprehensive list of sources on that issue. The thing that interests me about this is that celiacs seem to experience calcium deposits all over, and this is concurrent with serious calcium losses from the bones.
I'm speculating again, but it is almost as if some deficiency in gluten intolerance forces the body to improvise, so it catabolizes the calcium in the bones, and then uses it...... perhaps in some synaptic process. But unlike the substance that is more appropriate for this usage, the calcium becomes unreusable. (is that a word?)
I believe that potassium and sodium change places when a nerve fires. Can calcium serve in place of one of these substances? I haven't read anything about it, but that might explain these deposits.
It would also explain why the g-f diet stops all seizures in many who have recently begun to experience seizures.
If our logic is sound, a g-f diet might well help this person with their vertigo. It might be more fruitful to get serum antibody tests prior to beginning the diet.
I am not medically trained.
Best Wishes,