From: Ron Hoggan
Nonetheless, there is also a clear relationship between celiac disease and many cases of seronegative arthritis, as in two of the ten patients presented in:
Young, et. al. "Celiac Disease and Arthropathy: Case Report and Literature Review" _The Guthrie Journal_1993; 62(3):99-104
There is a very recent article implicating gluten intolerance in sacroilitis, which my source cannot, at the moment, find.
Then there is the case of seronegative monoarthritis reported here: Borg, et. al. "Persistent monoarthritis and occult celiac disease" _Postgrad Med_ 1994; 70: 51-53.
Then if we want to look at degenerative bone disease, it is associated with celiac disease in myriad studies. To cite a few:
Marsh "Bone Disease and Gluten Sensitivity: Time to Act, to Treat, and to prevent" _The American Journal of Gastroenterology_ 1994; 89(12): 2105-7
Sario, et. al. "Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in refractory celiac disease" _Journal of Internal Medicine_ 1994; 235: 185-9
There are even a number of reports of defects in teeth, and a high incidence of elevated anti-gliadin antibodies in osteoporosis. The faulty calcium metabolism associated with celiac disease appears to be the most common suggestion for a possible etiology.