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From: Ron Hoggan
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996
Subject: Depression

There is a tremendous volume of information that ties depressive illness to gluten intolerance.

In 1976, Dr. Richard Mackarness published his book "NOT ALL IN THE MIND" through Thorsons of Hammersmith, London, and San Francisco. He repeatedly demonstrates that food allergies, especially in gluten allergies or intolerance, behavioural and psychiatric symptoms are common.

Cooke & Holmes, in their book, "COELIAC DISEASE" published by Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1984, they repeatedly cite depressive illness as THE MOST COMMON symptom of gluten intolerance. They also cite a study that demonstrated that newly diagnosed celiacs recover from their depressions much more quickly when their diets are supplemented with vitamin B6. Of course, malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins is legion in gluten intolerance, but all vitamin absorption is a problem. The jejunal microvilli are damaged such that they do not absorb fats (and therefore fat soluble vitamins) very well, but B6, B12, and folic acid deficiencies that virtually always accompany gluten intolerance, are all involved in neurotransmission.

Do not be misled. Because fats can be made from other foods, the malabsorption associated with gluten intolerance need not suggest an underweight condition in our calorie rich diets.

Dr Kozlowska, in her article "Evaluation of Mental Status of Children with Malabsorption Syndrome After Long-Term Treatment" published in "PSYCHIATRIA POLSKA" 25/2 Mar/Apr. 1991, identified fully 71% of the children they studied as having psychiatric disturbances.

In "PRINCIPLES OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY" 6th ed. by Tortora & Anagnostakos, Harper & Row, New York, 1990, the authors make the very clear statement:
"you will also learn that certain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia involve improperly functioning neurotransmitters."

Opioids, of course, will compete for endorphin receptors in the synapses, thus altering the neurotransmission at synapses where the opioids have attached.

Zioudrou et. al. in "Opioid Peptides Derived From Food Proteins" in "JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY" vol. 254, no. 7, page 2446, April 10, 1979, clearly demonstrated that pepsin digests of wheat can form these opioids in the gut.

Husby, et. al. in "Passage of Undegraded Dietary Antigen into the Blood of Healthy Adults" in "SCAND. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY" 22, 1985, demonstrate how these opioids pass through the intestinal wall, and into the bloodstream.

Paul H. Black, in "Psychoneuroimmunology: Brain and Immunity" in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SCIENCE & MEDICINE, vol. 2, issue 6, p. 16, Nov-Dec, 1995, has shown how opioids may enter the brain through the HPA axis, thereby bypassing the blood brain barrier.

These are just two possible explanations for depression in celiac disease. There are many more. The point is that such depressions need to be treated with a gluten-free diet, and vitamin supplementation, where possible intravenously, because of poor absorption.

I am not a doctor. I am just trying offer an alternative. Please consult a physician for advice pertinent to your situation. For instance, if her health permits, you might have her fast for three days. If there is an improvement, then the problem is quite likely the result of something she is eating. A physician would be able to determine if she is fit enough to safely undertake such a fast.

I hope that is helpful,

Ron Hoggan

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996
From: "Ronald Hoggan, Queen Elizabeth High School"
Subject: Re: more on Depression and Gluten on autism list

Hi Don,
You might point the discussion at: Saelid G, et. al. "Peptide-Containing Fractions in Depression" _Biol Psychiatry_ 1985;20: 245-256

This is a report that demonstrates a variation in urinary peptides in psychotic depression. Nonetheless, it is difficult to argue that opioids cannot be involved in depression, when this group reports what appear to be the same peptides in the urine of depressed people, in greater quantity than normal. Bear in mind that psychotic depression often includes hallucinations.......which brings us back to LSD.... for what its worth, they make the point that the peptides can not be clearly connected to diet. In fact, they seem to be of the opinion that the peptides are endogenous, and a peptidase insufficiency is at the root of the problem. But isn't it fairly possible that exogenous peptides with opioid activity, assuming increased intestinal permeability, might offer an explanation for this? I think so.

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996
From: "Ronald Hoggan, Queen Elizabeth High School"

BTW here is a direct quote:
"Abnormal plasma amino acid concentrations have been found in children with celiac disease and could be implicated in mood and behavioural disorders."

I'm sure you're aware that peptides are chains of amino acids.

Goggins & Kelleher "Celiac Disease and Other nutrient Related Injuries to the Gastrointestinal Tract" _The American Journal of Gastroenterology_ 1994; 89(8): S2 -S13.