Subject: Shingles
From: Ron Hoggan
Date: 28 Oct 1996
Shingles is a manifestation of a herpes virus that has returned after a period of dormancy. The virus has been held captive by macrophages. (large blood cells that envelope the virus cell)
Something causes the release of the virus, which is usually associated with a weakened state of the immune system. Chronic illnesses, such as undiagnosed celiac disease, gluten intolerance, other food intolerances, allergies, and periods of illness, could all cause such a lapse.
Hans Selye (a Canadian, by the way,) was the first to recognize and document the process involved. (Stress is the struggle an organism experiences, as it tries to maintain homeostasis.)
Selye characterized the adaptation to stress in three stages:
one.... within forty eight hours of the initial injury the body experiences
a state of shock, where body temperature and blood pressure drop, while adrenal glands shrink and microvessels increase permeability, leaking more blood into surrounding tissues.
two.... after about forty eight hours, adaptation begins. Adrenals enlarge, and swelling begins to subside. This is the period of adaptation, when we give the appearance of being normal. Our body functions in a reasonably normal manner, in spite of the stress induced by the chronic exposure to the allergen, or food to which we are intolerant.
three.... This is the stage of exhaustion. In adult celiac disease, this is when the classic symptoms arrive. The disease has been with us, causing vague symptoms of ill health, but without a high level of clinical suspicion, a doctor is unlikely to diagnose it.
This is the stage at which I suspect that, in the case of celiac sufferers, we develop shingles, or other manifestations of a depleted immune system.
It may also be what causes the release of such viruses as HIV, after a variable period of dormancy. And that would also explain why AIDS patients experience remissions in many of their symptoms while following a gluten free diet. One must wonder if a gluten-free/casein-free diet might have protected them from the development of AIDS, by avoiding exhaustion of their immune systems through ingestion of these antigens.
I suspect that the impaired lymphocyte reactivity to tumour cells is indicative of the same state of exhaustion.(1)
As for the herpetic incursion, may I suggest that you be tested for gluten intolerance? If you test positive, you may find that a whole new world of good health awaits you.