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Ron Hoggan Articles - The table of contents to various articles written by Ron Hoggan, a friend of mine from Calgary now living on Vancouver Island. After writing these articles he went on to write Dangerous Grains. In the past one could buy Smarten Up!, a video of Ron presenting on the topic of how gluten grains impede learning in sensitive individuals, and how they can affect one's behavior. And Ron's latest book is The Iron Edge.
Collected Net Articles of Dr. Kalle Reichelt - Contains articles on the connection between Mental Disease, Autism, Schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, Allergies, etc., and Gluten/Casein Intolerance. My first page in March 1996.
- CCA Survey
- Extracted from: Hills, Hilda Cherry, Good Food, Gluten Free, New Cannan: Keats Publishing, 1976.
- Top 20 Diagnoses Before a Diagnosis of Celiac Disease