Grenada 2001

Pictures taken in Grenada, West Indies on March 17-20, 2001. See corresponding trip journal.

1: The ferry approaches St. Georges.
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2: A closer shot of the part of St. Georges that faces to the sea.
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3: A Windjammer cruise ship that was anchored outside the harbor.
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4: The Windjammer cruise ship and St. Georges again.
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5: We are rounding Fort George Point.
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6: Looking into The Carenage with St. Georges going up the hill.
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7: An early morning view looking out my room from Mamma's Lodge. In front is the Lagoon. In the distance is St. Georges.
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8: A view back towards St. Georges on my way up Grand Etang. Taken along Grand Etang Road.
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9: Another looking more to the north.
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10: I made it to the top of Grand Etang! I should have leaned my bicycle against the sign.
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11: A view from the top of Grand Etang. Looking east.
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12: A view towards Beausejour Bay.
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13: I walked into the rain forest to get a view of Grand Etange Lake.
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14: Another view from Grand Etang.
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15: A church. Probably in Grenville.
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16: Probably Grenville Bay looking south.
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17: The Ebony Restaurant in Grenville where I ate lunch. The only place open on Sunday.
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18: High Cliff Point, with three close islands and Carriacou in the background.
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19: Lake Antoine.
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20: A view along the west coast facing north.
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21: A view along the west coast facing north. Closer to St. Georges.
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22: The sun is setting as I approach St. Georges.
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23: Some boats off Lance aux Epines.
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24: Probably Prickly Bay.
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25: Grand Anse Bay with St. Georges in the far background. The two pictures didn't stitch so well.
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26: Grand Anse Bay from the other direction?
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27: The part of St. Georges facing The Carenage, or harbor.
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28: St. Georges taken from Fort George. I'm facing northeast.
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29: Cannons on Fort George.
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30: Grand Anse Bay from Fort George.
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31: The Carenage from Fort George.
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32: The Lagoon from Fort George.
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33: Mamma's Lodge. Where I stayed.
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34: The very pretty breakfast Mamma served me the last day.
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35: All gone!
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36: Aerial view just after taking off.
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37: Aerial view of St. Georges to the left, then The Carenage, and The Lagoon to the right.
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38: The stadium. St. Georges to the right.
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39: A view up the west coast.
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© Don Wiss 2001-2025. All rights reserved.