Jost Van Dyke pictures taken February 3-5, 2006. Also see corresponding trip journal.
1: A view of Great Harbour from the ferry.
2: Looking out at Great Harbour at Sunset. All the people in all those boats will come in to visit Foxy's.
3: Looking up at the Sea Crest Inn in the waning light.
4: The view outside my room. Foxy's dock is down in front.
5: Foxy's Bar
6: Wendell's World. The place fed me and served rum and Tings.
7: Looking up at the Sea Crest Inn in the morning light.
8: Looking down at Great Harbour on the way to White Bay.
9: White Bay.
10: Seeing Great Harbour on the way back.
11: A Pseudosphinx tetrio (Linnaeus) (Tetrio Sphinx Moth) caterpillar I came across.
12: On East End Road, heading to Little Harbour.
13: On East End Road. Looking at Tortola.
14: Looking down at Little Harbour. Abe's is the bright white largest building at the water towards the right. Scroll over.
15: Looking out Little Harbour with Tortola in the distance.
16: Looking out at Little Jost Van Dyke. The sailboats are in Long Bay. In front is East End Harbour.
17: Looking out Little Harbour with some little islands and St. Thomas in the distance.
18: The ferry that will take me to West End, Tortola.
19: Looking back at Great Harbour. Pictures continue in Tortola album.
© Don Wiss 2006-2025. All rights reserved.