Upper Bronx Pictures - 20 March 1999.
1: 1a. Trevor N (7-21-97): Southeast corner of Boston and Fenton
2: 1b. Trevor N (7-21-97): Southeast corner of Boston and Fenton
3: 2a. Pedro R: Southwest corner of White Plains and Arnow
4: 2b. Pedro R: Southwest corner of White Plains and Arnow
5: 3a. Leopold W: Northeast corner of Boston and Waring
6: 3b. Leopold W: Northeast corner of Boston and Waring
7: 4a. Ernest S: Astor (50 feet east of Holland) mid-block
8: 4b. Ernest S: Astor (50 feet east of Holland) mid-block
9: 5a. Mark R: Fordham Rd (10 feet west of Belmont Ave) on Northwest
10: 5b. Mark R: Fordham Rd (10 feet west of Belmont Ave) on Northwest
11: 6a. Annette K (7-11-97): Jerome Ave (50 feet south of Fordham)
12: 6b. Annette K (7-11-97): Jerome Ave (50 feet south of Fordham)
13: 7a. Margarita F (11-14-97): Southeast corner of Bailey and Kingsbridge
14: 7b. Margarita F (11-14-97): Southeast corner of Bailey and Kingsbridge
15: 8a. Rena M: North-bound lane of Bailey (500 feet south of Van Cortlandt Park S)
16: 8b. Rena M: North-bound lane of Bailey (500 feet south of Van Cortlandt Park S)
© Don Wiss 1999-2025. All rights reserved.