Making Jerky and then Pemmican
Pictures taken when making pemmican in May 2001. Pemmican is ground jerky and rendered suet. Also see pictures of my rendering suet and making pemmican.
1: The meat slicer I had didn't last very long. So I slice the bison meat with a sharp knife. The meat is partially frozen. Taken out of the freezer and put in the refrigerator 12-20 hours before slicing.
2: The jerky slices ready to be dried in my Excalibur 2900 Dehydrator.
3: The Excalibur 2900 Dehydrator is so big it doesn't fit in my kitchen, so it sits on a small table in my dining room.
4: The jerky meat is dry. Actually to make pemmican this batch should have been dried some more. I only used 125 degree for about 20 hours. The dial has 145 degrees for meat. [I now use 115 and dry for several days. Must be really dry for long storage.]
5: I tried a food processor to grind the jerky. It chugged away, but still left behind large chunks. [Never again.]
6: The bowl of ground jerky waiting for the fat.
7: The warm liquid fat stirred in. It seemed like a little too much fat. Note the shine.
8: The mixture spread out in a pan for hardening. I then put it in the refrigerator to harden it more quickly. [This is the only time I did this.]
9: After slicing with a sharp knife I put it in this container for storage. It came out fine. A bit chunky.
10: This is and the next picture are from my next batch in June 2001. I still had suet left over from May, and this time I went back to the blender in chop mode. Better than the food processor. I ground up what I though would be enough jerky for the fat I had. And I simply dumped all the fat in. It was clear that it was too much fat. This is after it had hardened. Despite the fat that oozed out, it really wasn't too much.
11: After I cut it, here are a couple pieces that I stood on end. You don't see the excess fat, but they were very dense solid hunks.
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